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CAS Rugby 2017

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Frank Row (1)
Looking forward to seeing potential CAS teams this season-player I would love to see in the 1s would be Partington from aloys, an exceptional player who looked best on the field much of this past season


Nev Cottrell (35)
... that is amazing how few teams Barker fielded in the 13s .... has there been a trend of falling numbers?

I was talking to an old boy from Waverley, and he reckons Waverley would do well to amalgamate with St Clares

he argued that Waverley didn't make the top 150 schools in the 2015 HSC

and while he said there has been some real positives under the current headmasters tenure, there is still plenty of room for improvement, at least on the academic front

In contrast St Clares ... across the road from Waverley, and a much lower cost school, with limited facilities ..... ranked 92nd in the 2015 HSC

... my mate told me that the Waverley headmaster has decided to move on in 2017 .... relatively short notice ... seemingly?

so it will be interesting to see who is the replacement

however coming back to the Barker rugby numbers, I wonder if co-ed helps or hinders rugby numbers?

As I know the die hard Waverley rugby community wouldn't want to see rugby adversely impacted ....

personally I see the advantage of co-ed education.... my understanding is that the boys in particular benefit... boys too afraid to ask questions ... is the simplistic summary

and while you might think girls on campus is a big distraction ....when even Sydney university's St Andrews College, have become co-ed, nothing is sacred

anyone waiting for the Waverley hard heads to "bite on that"

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
. that is amazing how few teams Barker fielded in the 13s .. has there been a trend of falling numbers?

I was talking to an old boy from Waverley, and he reckons Waverley would do well to amalgamate with St Clares

he argued that Waverley didn't make the top 150 schools in the 2015 HSC

and while he said there has been some real positives under the current headmasters tenure, there is still plenty of room for improvement, at least on the academic front

In contrast St Clares . across the road from Waverley, and a much lower cost school, with limited facilities ... ranked 92nd in the 2015 HSC

. my mate told me that the Waverley headmaster has decided to move on in 2017 .. relatively short notice . seemingly?

so it will be interesting to see who is the replacement

however coming back to the Barker rugby numbers, I wonder if co-ed helps or hinders rugby numbers?

As I know the die hard Waverley rugby community wouldn't want to see rugby adversely impacted ..

personally I see the advantage of co-ed education.. my understanding is that the boys in particular benefit. boys too afraid to ask questions . is the simplistic summary

and while you might think girls on campus is a big distraction ..when even Sydney university's St Andrews College, have become co-ed, nothing is sacred

anyone waiting for the Waverley hard heads to "bite on that"
Brilliant flushing out technique! Where does a "balanced" hard head start.
As you should know Waverley has always been made up of a realistic cross section of the community, that means money and intelligence or lack of, which represents the real life community,well.
The school has recently being do well in the HSC as those who want to study hard and do well, do achieve great marks, last year many boys got great results.
The teaching is solid enough to support the boys who want to do well, I think we need to stop comparing to the academically selective schools or girls schools who realistically may not be as serious in sport , as many of those
singularly focuses people ,as we all know,don't often achieve much in life.Balance is everything!
Don't fall for that 3 card trick from an uninformed on-looker.
Girls on the Waverley campus could be a good idea.

Back to footy, which I think is why you responded to me, my point I think was clear, is that going forward a few years and some of these CAS schools will really suffer in the opens. I just hope that the 13's is an exception, BUT given soccer,afl etc it probably won't be. Anyway we need to assume the environment will be fierce, as it will!


Bob Loudon (25)
. that is amazing how few teams Barker fielded in the 13s .. has there been a trend of falling numbers?

I was talking to an old boy from Waverley, and he reckons Waverley would do well to amalgamate with St Clares

he argued that Waverley didn't make the top 150 schools in the 2015 HSC

and while he said there has been some real positives under the current headmasters tenure, there is still plenty of room for improvement, at least on the academic front

In contrast St Clares . across the road from Waverley, and a much lower cost school, with limited facilities ... ranked 92nd in the 2015 HSC

. my mate told me that the Waverley headmaster has decided to move on in 2017 .. relatively short notice . seemingly?

so it will be interesting to see who is the replacement

however coming back to the Barker rugby numbers, I wonder if co-ed helps or hinders rugby numbers?

As I know the die hard Waverley rugby community wouldn't want to see rugby adversely impacted ..

personally I see the advantage of co-ed education.. my understanding is that the boys in particular benefit. boys too afraid to ask questions . is the simplistic summary

and while you might think girls on campus is a big distraction ..when even Sydney university's St Andrews College, have become co-ed, nothing is sacred

anyone waiting for the Waverley hard heads to "bite on that"

I dont think the school being co-ed has any impact on Rugby numbers. Barker once had a policy that all Boys in the junior school had to play at least one year of Rugby. That was abolished a couple of years ago. Now I understand there is one year in the junior school where no Boy is playing school Rugby. That will have another impact in 6 to 7 years time. The school has been co -ed since 1975.


Bob Loudon (25)
And the poor numbers in the Barker 13's about times in with the abolition of the compulsory one year a boy had to play a couple of years back.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
Hasbeen, I suspect your connection with Barker is STRONG,which is great because people in the real know, not speculators, add real value here, great!!
I am sure that the 13's Barker rugby situation is no co-incidence.
Very clearly this is a promotional issue,once again, by the body who drives rugby union,and has failed ie ARU and associated bodies, whatever they are.
Rugby Union is being shown the door by schools bit by bit as they are being out marketed by other codes. I am sick if talking about it.
Until some real talent shows up at the ARU we are done, or we get school principals who care about rugby, and the public school sector gets help,well....


Bob Loudon (25)
Hasbeen, I suspect your connection with Barker is STRONG,which is great because people in the real know, not speculators, add real value here, great!!
I am sure that the 13's Barker rugby situation is no co-incidence.
Very clearly this is a promotional issue,once again, by the body who drives rugby union,and has failed ie ARU and associated bodies, whatever they are.
Rugby Union is being shown the door by schools bit by bit as they are being out marketed by other codes. I am sick if talking about it.
Until some real talent shows up at the ARU we are done, or we get school principals who care about rugby, and the public school sector gets help,well..

You suspect well Padawan.


Bob Loudon (25)
Hasbeen, I suspect your connection with Barker is STRONG,which is great because people in the real know, not speculators, add real value here, great!!
I am sure that the 13's Barker rugby situation is no co-incidence.
Very clearly this is a promotional issue,once again, by the body who drives rugby union,and has failed ie ARU and associated bodies, whatever they are.
Rugby Union is being shown the door by schools bit by bit as they are being out marketed by other codes. I am sick if talking about it.
Until some real talent shows up at the ARU we are done, or we get school principals who care about rugby, and the public school sector gets help,well..

When my son was introduced to the junior school the then headmaster said that the school was a Rugby school and that your son will be playing Rugby - basically whether you like it or not - the inference being that if you didn't then place the child elsewhere. That followed on from a long, long tradition of the school as a Rugby school (and yes I attended there as well). My son has not yet completed his schooling there and that entire paradigm is changing. Imagine the shock at arriving at the school grounds 6 weeks or so ago to see a young girls soccer game on the main Rugby oval at a time when the 16a's Rugby team should have been playing there. Once a boy comes into the school and tries Rugby on a compulsory basis, more often than not they prefer the game and want to continue in it rather than go back to playing soccer or AFL - at least that has been my observation - and the social engineering that is occurring to the school arising from the direct, subjective personal opinions of persons in positions of power who do not understand the game of Rugby and (most likely) have never played it are wreaking havoc on the schools traditions and values. In a few years time Barker will be a non event. And what a pity it will be.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
Has been,

I completely understand, I went to Waverley, and have 2 sons there at the moment.
Girls Soccer on NO.1 is hard to hear. Barker was always one of the most competitive schools in NSW, once again it is the marketing of rugby that is hopeless.
Barker has done very well in the opens over the last 10 years, winning several premierships, so I can't understand why rugby wouldn't be attractive to the younger boys watching on. If you were being flogged every year, and never winning, perhaps easier to understand.
I think a lot also stems from the top, eg Head master etc, I can't comment on that, you would know better.
Why don't we just introduce a toe and finger nail painting competition and be done with it!


Ken Catchpole (46)
I think a lot also stems from the top, eg Head master etc,

Agreed. The Headmaster makes decisions to resolve all the competing priorities. Soccer-playing girls and boys have parents who pay fees and expect school facilities to made available to them. The HM has to decide between all the options and marketing based on rugby results is just one factor in the decision making process.
For example, the societal concept of equity is much stronger in 2016 than when I went to Barker, at a time when autocratic decisions about sporting priorities were the preserve of the HM.
Today, a school-wide focus and the provision of school resources to all sports and all participants is an equity issue that over-rules the needs of the rugby fraternity.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
formerflanker, I agree with you, the HM does have to cater for all needs for all the reasons you have mentioned.

The issue as I see it is that all these other sports are being chosen by kids AHEAD of rugby, because rugby isn't the first choice, in many cases,anymore. So the governing Aust. body needs to understand this and do something about it, eg solid marketing!!!


Bob Loudon (25)
Agreed. The Headmaster makes decisions to resolve all the competing priorities. Soccer-playing girls and boys have parents who pay fees and expect school facilities to made available to them. The HM has to decide between all the options and marketing based on rugby results is just one factor in the decision making process.
For example, the societal concept of equity is much stronger in 2016 than when I went to Barker, at a time when autocratic decisions about sporting priorities were the preserve of the HM.
Today, a school-wide focus and the provision of school resources to all sports and all participants is an equity issue that over-rules the needs of the rugby fraternity.

I also agree with the societal concept of equity but the concept cuts both ways and has to be coloured by the history, traditions and values that pre exist within the school. I was sold on the school (partially) and agreed to pay the $30,000.00 per year on the basis that Barker is, was and will always be, primarily, a Rugby school. A point which was made more than once at the relevant time. Other parents coming into the school with an anti Rugby stance or kids who did not want to play Rugby had choices at the time. They could have sent the child to another school. To change the values and the traditions of the school when parents have been told one thing is akin to unilaterally changing the terms of a contract. Not done. Any way I guess what will be, will be and maybe I am just getting too old and cranky.

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)
Hasbeen and formerflanker,

Here's my two bobs worth, and I will put on my business hat.

A business/school is better off focusing on what its core strengths are, eg rugby as the main winter sport, rather than trying to be all things to all people.
You could suggest that this is irrelevant right now because Barker probably doesn't have any problem attracting students.
BUT one day it might as over time, given it stretches itself over a multitude of sports, it ends up losing ALL THE TIME, so loses its attraction as a strong/winning school, eventually to future parents.

Schools. like businesses, need to stand for something, and when it comes to sport, a major part of any big school, the same applies.



Bob Loudon (25)
Hasbeen and formerflanker,

Here's my two bobs worth, and I will put on my business hat.

A business/school is better off focusing on what its core strengths are, eg rugby as the main winter sport, rather than trying to be all things to all people.
You could suggest that this is irrelevant right now because Barker probably doesn't have any problem attracting students.
BUT one day it might as over time, given it stretches itself over a multitude of sports, it ends up losing ALL THE TIME, so loses its attraction as a strong/winning school, eventually to future parents.

Schools. like businesses, need to stand for something, and when it comes to sport, a major part of any big school, the same applies.


Well said. It is something like an apparent conservative party adopting centrist left policies due to a change in leader (where are we seeing that now). The party loses its compass and over time the boiling frog syndrome kicks in - the school cannot be differentiated from its competitors because it has lost its way and then becomes more shrill and impulsive in its efforts to appeal to all. Failure results.


Bob Loudon (25)
Sonny Dills pondering question/comment above certainly inspired me to crawl out of the woodwork. Apologies to all for the carry on from an old has been but hopefully it has led to the odd popcorn moment. I will now crawl back to whence I came to let others be more constructive in comment

White line fever

Fred Wood (13)

My final comment to support "ends up losing ALL THE TIME" is as follows.

This year when the Waverley rugby 13a's played Barker recently, the score was 71-0, yes in the A's NOT the F's, and that was with Waverley substituting A players for B and C players half way through the match.
So the very best Barker could muster in that age group got flogged, and by numerous schools.

I feel for those boys as no-one wins here, and there is no enjoyment!

This is what trying to be all things to all people potentially brings!

Hope it never happens again.


Bob Loudon (25)

My final comment to support "ends up losing ALL THE TIME" is as follows.

This year when the Waverley rugby 13a's played Barker recently, the score was 71-0, yes in the A's NOT the F's, and that was with Waverley substituting A players for B and C players half way through the match.
So the very best Barker could muster in that age group got flogged, and by numerous schools.

I feel for those boys as no-one wins here, and there is no enjoyment!

This is what trying to be all things to all people potentially brings!

Hope it never happens again.

The prosecution rests.


Bob McCowan (2)
Here is my early predictions for a few boys with opportunity for representative honours, albeit limited knowledge on 16s players from 2016 rising to next years opens. Several worthy options within the back row, however I struggled to find a player with the size of a true 8. Perhaps a big off-season from a flanker could fill this hole?

1. Wright (W) / Dawson (K)
2. Coghill (B)
3. Rahme (A) / Cutrone (K)
4. Frost (K) / Flaherty (B)
5. Moretti (W)
6. Reimer (B)
7. Stead (T) / Partington (A) / Cornish (W)
9. Tejeck (B)
10. Woodcock (K) / Donaldson (W)
11. Lloyd (B)
12. Flaherty (A)
14. Hollingsworth-Descent (T)
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