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Ewen McKenzie Resignation

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Nev Cottrell (35)
I don't understand the hype around kicking or not kicking and playing styles. Winning teams bring the fans home and not fancy rugby. Sometimes you have both.

Anyway, Ewen, you're welcome to consider a stint here in SA. The Cheetahs like to run and to my knowledge the players are respectful. You could take a shot and apply for director of rugby at the Sharks. We'd love someone of your stature in our systems.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I don't understand the hype around kicking or not kicking and playing styles. Winning teams bring the fans home and not fancy rugby. Sometimes you have both.

No offence but that's because you're not part of the bubble here. I agree with you but rugby has to be in the entertainment business here to compete with our other codes. I guarantee even if the Wallabies were #1 but winning 9-6 the public were turn away and call it boring.


Mark Ella (57)
I don't understand the hype around kicking or not kicking and playing styles. Winning teams bring the fans home and not fancy rugby. Sometimes you have both.

Anyway, Ewen, you're welcome to consider a stint here in SA. The Cheetahs like to run and to my knowledge the players are respectful. You could take a shot and apply for director of rugby at the Sharks. We'd love someone of your stature in our systems.

This is not true. I enjoyed last nights loss more then our boring win against Argentina.

If more games are played like last night we will win back fans.


Colin Windon (37)
We need a kicking game, though. Drilling one into the corner instantly puts the opposition under pressure. We've been doing literally none of that whilst coopers been out and it is to our detriment.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Been going through all the posts.

Maybe. But why did Pulver say he " wants a coach who adheres to the core values of the playing group"?

This is stupid. Straight up. A section commander in charge of their troops does not adhere to the group they are commanding, the group shuts the fuck up & does what the seco says. I don't see sporting teams any different under that of a coach, they call the shots & you get behind them & give it everything - its that damn simple.

I admit I'm probably going too far calling for Pulver's head over something like this. I'm just pissed off right now. He's done some great things (especially the NRC). However, it was still a stupid thing to say & sets a precedent from right at the top.

This single sentence screams out the need to drop every single fluffybunny in the " playing group" and start from zero.

Let's get a playing group who will adhere to the coaches values. Revolutionary concept I know.

^ This, clean them the fuck out & find some dedicated players. As I've said before I'd go for a team of Honey Badgers. No frills but plenty of guts.

I'm done with the wallabies. Will follow the reds and probably Bris city fervently in 2015 but that's it for me with this mob.

This is just about it for me too. I went out to lift weights after the game then came back in to find Ewen resigned. Maybe I'll just elevate my second fav team to my main team & support them in the RWC. Fucks sake I'm bloody over it.


Bob McCowan (2)
It seems pretty clear to me what going to happen from here.

They'll appoint Jake White as coach. But only a one year contract. He is the only serious contender available. What choice do they have?

A one year deal, gives them a very experienced coach to take them up to the RWC. But it also doesn't lock in Jake Ball forever, because, let's face it, no one wants that.

White is also the best coach available to deal with the player power problem. I don't like his style of play at all, BUT he does have a way with the players, and that is sorely needed right now.

Then, in a year's time, Cheika will be appointed with a fresh start and a four year agenda to win the 2018 RWC.

Two steps.


Bill McLean (32)
Shattered. I hate to admit it, but there is something seriously wrong with our Wallaby set up if it can go ahead and destroy the confidence of two of the most respected and celebrated Super Rugby coaches either side of the Tasman.

Gee I hated Deans by the end of his 5 year reign, but this certainly puts it all in perspective. How can these two blokes, who have had so much success with sides in their past, take on the Wallabies coaching job only to have their careers and character collapse around them.

This goes further than players - there is something wrong at the top and we won't see success until the childish bickering, due to state allegiances, between the power brokers at the top is put to rest. I still remember the comments flying around before Ewen's appointment questioning his ability as a coach because "forwards don't get the backs". Apparently that was made by one of the ARU big shots, how can these dickheads be in charge of our national team?

The ARU is to blame here, not the media, not the players and not the support staff. Time to wake the fuck up and make some serious managerial and structural changes. Maybe then we might see some sustainable development of coaching, effective handling of team issues and mature cooperation rather than immature factional arguing.


Colin Windon (37)
Does our next coach have to be Australian?

It seems that fans and players are still not mature enough to put state parochialism aside for the Wallabies.

Even when one of our own is appointed, the factions seem to remain.

I'm getting greater admiration for Dingo who managed to operate in this environment for 5 years.
And if the Wallabies did get a coach from foreign shores, how long would it take before people started to complain that he didn't get how to motivate or manage Australians, and Growden started writing about his snouts reliably informing him of player and board unrest?

It'd take about three losses. Or two losses and a draw if there weren't a ton of tries scored. Especially if a tactical kicking game is employed.

Whoever the Wallabies get, the first thing he'll have to be is a decent media manager. Playing schoolmaster to a faction of unruly twits and actually coaching will be second and third on the list, probably in that order.

I don't know what it's going to take to get the Wallabies back on track, but it'll probably take more than lip service to business-speak. Resigning when the organization doesn't meet quarterly expectations is what CEO's do. Leaders don't get pushed around by reports, they react with a better performance. Unfortunately, the Wallabies game against the best team of the century was a better performance.


Bill McLean (32)
Whoever the Wallabies get, the first thing he'll have to be is a decent media manager. Playing schoolmaster to a faction of unruly twits and actually coaching will be second and third on the list, probably in that order.

A good coach like Ewen, who's reputation included his brilliant player and team management skills, doesn't just turn to shit, mate. Something else has to change, perhaps the people above you who you trust to deal with the handling of player fall outs and media control. This is the professional era, it isn't up to the head coach to deal with everything, there has to be a reliance on the systems in place to help and support you when something like Bealegate occurs.

Instead what we saw was a pathetic, half arsed "inquiry" and the hiring of some media control crew to try and quash it all and by then, surprise surprise, it was too fucking late.

Tom Ando

Fred Wood (13)
For someone like myself who has followed Rugby since birth, and supported the wallabies through 11 years of Bledisloe heartbreak and World Cup disappointment, this hurts me the most. I truly feel like I can't support the Wallabies anymore. I will still support the Brumbies, but I think I will have to watch more AFL and NFL when I can. The way the establishment has acted in Australia has just done it for me. I can't support it.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
For someone like myself who has followed Rugby since birth, and supported the wallabies through 11 years of Bledisloe heartbreak and World Cup disappointment, this hurts me the most. I truly feel like I can't support the Wallabies anymore. I will still support the Brumbies, but I think I will have to watch more AFL and NFL when I can. The way the establishment has acted in Australia has just done it for me. I can't support it.
It's always darkest before the dawn. We were so fucking to going a season without losing a home test. Fucking seconds away. Nearly rolled the "best team ever" and they're only going to be older next year

And in positive news, Pulver has just announced Billy Joel's "Matter of Trust" will be the official theme song of the Wallabies 2015 RWC campaign......


Colin Windon (37)
A good coach like Ewen, who's reputation included his brilliant player and team management skills, doesn't just turn to shit, mate. Something else has to change, perhaps the people above you who you trust to deal with the handling of player fall outs and media control. This is the professional era, it isn't up to the head coach to deal with everything, there has to be a reliance on the systems in place to help and support you when something like Bealegate occurs.

Instead what we saw was a pathetic, half arsed "inquiry" and the hiring of some media control crew to try and quash it all and by then, surprise surprise, it was too fucking late.
I think you missed my last sentence -- I think he did well by the organization, especially in how they played that last game against NZ. I didn't say he was shit, certainly not as a coach or player. I said that it seems coaching is about third on the list of priorities if you're going to lead the Wallabies these days.

Tom Ando

Fred Wood (13)
It's always darkest before the dawn. We were so fucking to going a season without losing a home test. Fucking seconds away. Nearly rolled the "best team ever" and they're only going to be older next year

And in positive news, Pulver has just announced Billy Joel's "Matter of Trust" will be the official theme song of the Wallabies 2015 RWC campaign..

Its not about whether we win or lose I base my decision. It's a matter of my own moral code. It's because I don't believe in what the establishment condones. Its allowed muppets like the media, Beale, O'Connor and others who aren't proven muppets but I can have a pretty good guess, to force a man out of his job. Its has hardly ever listened to its fan base, and its political game runs deep into the grassroots of Rugby. As a fan I'm over it, and as a player I'm over it. Rugby has allowed me to meet a huge variety of people and personalities, even in quite important and powerful positions within state and/or national hierarchies . Ewen was one I truly respected. I can't say that for others.


Steve Williams (59)
I admit I'm probably going too far calling for Pulver's head over something like this. I'm just pissed off right now.
I reckon you folk are reading it slightly wrong. The quote was:

"I still believe are capable of winning the World Cup. So we want a coach that is capable of achieving that, we want a coach that adheres to the core values of our game and we want a coach that has the support of the playing group."​

That's a bit different to what was posted earlier.

As a straight statement it's fine. Trying to read between the lines to cast it as supportive player power or something is probably stretching things a bit far.

Let's see what actions are taken next and judge from there.

Sandpit Fan

Nev Cottrell (35)
I reckon you folk are reading it slightly wrong. The quote was:

"I still believe are capable of winning the World Cup. So we want a coach that is capable of achieving that, we want a coach that adheres to the core values of our game and we want a coach that has the support of the playing group."​

That's a bit different to what was posted earlier.

As a straight statement it's fine. Trying to read between the lines to cast it as supportive player power or something is probably stretching things a bit far.

Let's see what actions are taken next and judge from there.

I don't think it's any different kiap.

Just another way of saying the players if don't like the coach, we won't pick him. Player power gone mad. Sounds like they will be grovelling in front of this bunch of spoilt children and asking who they want to coach them.

Pretty much had a gut full of the attitude. Brush any players who think they have any fucking right to pull this shit. Aim for RWC 2019.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I'll throw some coaching names in the ring

Tana Umaga, Cam Blades, Keiran Keane, John Manenti, Damien Hill


Mark Loane (55)
I reckon you folk are reading it slightly wrong. The quote was:

"I still believe are capable of winning the World Cup. So we want a coach that is capable of achieving that, we want a coach that adheres to the core values of our game and we want a coach that has the support of the playing group."​

That's a bit different to what was posted earlier.

As a straight statement it's fine. Trying to read between the lines to cast it as supportive player power or something is probably stretching things a bit far.

Let's see what actions are taken next and judge from there.
That is different. I posted the previous quote taken straight from the Fox News ticker. Fucking media scum bags.


Steve Williams (59)
I don't think it's any different kiap.

Just another way of saying the players if don't like the coach, we won't pick him. Player power gone mad. Sounds like they will be grovelling in front of this bunch of spoilt children and asking who they want to coach them.

Pretty much had a gut full of the attitude. Brush any players who think they have any fucking right to pull this shit. Aim for RWC 2019.
Not necessarily. That outcome could also be potentially reached by "moulding", "schooling" or "weeding out" problem players.

Pulver hasn't really been a players' advocate as such, going on his recent stated positions. Ironically it was McKenzie who influenced him in the sabbaticals introduction; earlier he was dead against it.

I'm holding fire. They can't just go in blindly swinging a scythe. Let's see what happens.

Mortal Wombat

Allen Oxlade (6)
While we can't speculate about what we don't know, we do know that McKenzie missed a training session the week of a test match that turned out to be a historic loss.

Even under the exceptional and difficult circumstances in which that happened, I can understand the player group seeing it as a serious break of faith.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
There can only be two names in the ring as far as I am concerned for Head Coach.

Laurie Fischer
Michael Cheika.

I agree with Dwyer on this one. Cheiks to coach with Bernie the Assistant.
Sorry to see Link go. The way an injury hit team played against the ABs today showed real promise and real progress during Links tenure.

Straight swap at the Tahs with Cheiks? You know it makes sense.
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