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Ewen McKenzie Resignation

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Mark Ella (57)
Really apart from a head coach the whole management structure of the Wallabies team must be looked at.

The whole ARU needs a good cleanout from the Chairman down with some professional people appointed to a Rugby Commission. The provincial crap has dragged us down to the point that the professional game is killing the game as a whole.

But have to start somewhere so start with the Wallabies as the dream of a Rugby Commission is I think a dream that is unlikely to ever be realised.

So in that regard the new head coach will have identify some key areas that need to be addressed and act quickly on filling support roles with that issues in mind.

For me the key areas are fitness, forward set pieces (which while much improved from the shit under Deans still need significant work) and the biggest area for me, kicking from hand. Lets get the basics right and the rest will flow.

Oh and institute a strict no dickheads policy. Zero tolerence. Get it players, don't like it or don't think you can actually be a professional, then go now you will be granted a release from any contract with no prejudice.

Rugby Is My Life

Herbert Moran (7)
Rugby in Australia has an incredible ability to constantly shoot itself in the foot and make it the laughing stock of the sporting community when compared to league, AFL, soccer, etc.

The sooner any 'dirty laundry' is aired and everyone is held accountable, the better. The constant he said, she said crap needs to stop.

As a die hard rugby fan and Wallabies tragic despite the current mess, things can change pretty quickly, including public perception. Point in case the Aussie cricket side and recent Ashes triumph after years of embarrassment

Here's hoping someone with true leadership skills and big balls steps up to the plate to sort the men from boys.


Ken Catchpole (46)
You talk as if Cheika invented running rugby. It's basically the same way the Reds succeeded.

Unfortunately you cannot place less emphasis on the set piece at test level and be successful.

who is the "you" of your first word?

MOD EDIT: Biffo, let it go right now. One more warning and you are on a long holiday. Move on.


John Solomon (38)
Disappointing that to some (not all) Qld and ACT supporters this comes down to a state issue onse again. It's all the Tahs fault, sack all the Tahs etc etc.
Before the usual Tahs bias statements are made, let me say, I supported Link's appointment, I wanted him to stay for the WC, and I would have made Horwill captain (as I said on another thread). However the facts are:
1. Link lost the respect of the player, he said so himself. That's untenable, he did the right thing to resign. If a CEO doesn't have the respect (not popularity, respect) of his staff, the business simply won't work.
2. Link appointed Hooper captain, he made Beale 10 for the first two Bled tests, he elected not to choose players going overseas, thus eliminating his previous captain, he chose not to select Horwill, he employed Patston. Not suggesting any of these were right or wrong decisions, but in the real world, you make your decisions, you wear the consequences
3. Yes, Hooper's support of Beale was clumsy, but I have yet to hear him (or anyone else for that matter) condone what Beale did. Likewise I haven't at any point heard Hooper not express support for Link. He expressed his support before this test, and again after it.
4. Apart from on here, I have haven't heard anyone suggest the loss of support for Link among the team was a Waratah instigated thing.
5. As to the press, each side was leaking selected information to their pet journos. That's how it works in any controversial situation, unfortunately.
6. Finally, as to Beale getting off lightly, until we have heard the outcome of his case, any comment here is mere guesswork.

None of the decisions about who played 10, choice of captain, business manager etc were decisions that should lead to his resignation - the decisions were his right as coach.
His departure was all to do with the aftermath of a puerile attempt at humour by a serial offender who by his own admission does dumb stuff without thinking.
And supporting your mate in the media without acknowledging the inappropriateness of his actions until you are forced to do so by your employers PR consultants is akin to condoning his actions. It has nothing to do with state bias but the fucktards who acted this way happened to be waratahs. If they were queenslanders I would have exactly the same opinion of them.
Hooper needs to read this
and realise how bloody inappropriate his comments were for a team captain, and either lift his game or fuck off from the captaincy.


Nev Cottrell (35)
This is the lowest I've ever seen Australian Rugby.

I'm probably never going to read an Australian newspaper reporting about rugby ever again. The way some of the journalists hung McKenzie out to dry was just horrendous.

Absolutely horrendous.
Unfortunately this is what journalists do. There is not much consideration for ethics. In my experience lawyers are the same.

I simply can't understand how you can knowingly lie or knowingly spread rumours, half-truths and other falsehood.

The 2 week break certainly didn't help.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
Really apart from a head coach the whole management structure of the Wallabies team must be looked at.

The whole ARU needs a good cleanout from the Chairman down with some professional people appointed to a Rugby Commission. The provincial crap has dragged us down to the point that the professional game is killing the game as a whole.

But have to start somewhere so start with the Wallabies as the dream of a Rugby Commission is I think a dream that is unlikely to ever be realised.

So in that regard the new head coach will have identify some key areas that need to be addressed and act quickly on filling support roles with that issues in mind.

For me the key areas are fitness, forward set pieces (which while much improved from the shit under Deans still need significant work) and the biggest area for me, kicking from hand. Lets get the basics right and the rest will flow.

Oh and institute a strict no dickheads policy. Zero tolerence. Get it players, don't like it or don't think you can actually be a professional, then go now you will be granted a release from any contract with no prejudice.

The hard part maybe the budget for resources.
Whatever structure and people the new coach needs may not be affordable.
Looks like they are already facing a few payouts on existing staff, but most successful coaches in leading professional sports bring in their own people and have a strong say in structure.


Arch Winning (36)
None of the decisions about who played 10, choice of captain, business manager etc were decisions that should lead to his resignation - the decisions were his right as coach.
His departure was all to do with the aftermath of a puerile attempt at humour by a serial offender who by his own admission does dumb stuff without thinking.
And supporting your mate in the media without acknowledging the inappropriateness of his actions until you are forced to do so by your employers PR consultants is akin to condoning his actions. It has nothing to do with state bias but the fucktards who acted this way happened to be waratahs. If they were queenslanders I would have exactly the same opinion of them.
Hooper needs to read this
and realise how bloody inappropriate his comments were for a team captain, and either lift his game or fuck off from the captaincy.

Spot on Tragic.

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
We were already in front when he kicked the penalty - it just took the lead from 3pts to 6pts. With 7 pts for a converted try it still left us in the danger range. And the rest as they say is history.

well, ok there is that :) (not that you were hoping he would not get the points as it still left us within range of a converted try)

still the possibility of people reverting to type under pressure situations is always present. And sadly in aus rugby of recent years an inappropriate box kick from half backs is very much on the cards so, to me at least, it is most certainly not guaranteed that genia would not have done the exact same thing.

It was not THAT much of a howler/mistake to lay full responsibility for the loss on white is all I am saying. I too wish he had not done it, or at least kept it in field. Whatever. 'But for that one poor kick we would have won' is what I am calling BS on.


Colin Windon (37)
Do people think Link would have survived if his win rate was 75% (including, say 2 wins against SA and 3 against NZ)?


Jim Lenehan (48)
You talk as if Cheika invented running rugby. It's basically the same way the Reds succeeded.

Unfortunately you cannot place less emphasis on the set piece at test level and be successful.

Not that I necessarily believe Cheika should be the new coach, but I don't see why Cheika couldn't easily address that aspect of his coaching if he took the job. To be fair to Cheika, he coached the tahs to the title this year with very little emphasis on set piece work, and as most of us will agree Super Rugby is not test rugby. Cheika knows that he can have less emphasis on the set piece at provincial level and concentrate on other strengths. I would hope he's smart enough to realise that something different will be required at test level. Surely you could bring in a forward coach to focus on that area.

Seems to the two obvious choices are White or Cheika. On the one hand I think Cheika would probably better suit us, in terms of the way we like to play the game and the style the fans want to see. He also has supporter backing and seems to be a guy that commands a lot of respect for his players (something we need).

On the other hand, given that we are going to the world cup in less than a year White is an attractive prospect. He has a ton of experience coaching at test level, he knows what it takes to win a world cup. He also has a decent record turning around teams over a short period of time. My worry with Jake White is that he only knows how to play one type of rugby, and im sold on whether that type of rugby is what's best of Australian Rugby. White managed to lift the Sharks up the ladder last year but I thought that they were a bit too one dimensional in the end. I'd hate to see that happen to the wallabies.

I'd like to see us play more rugby like we did on the weekend, and I wonder whether we'd see that with Jake as coach.

I'd say Jake must be favourite at this point though. He was apparently close to getting the job first time around. Not sure Cheika is even interested and moving Cheika from the tahs could just cause more problems.

At least with White we are unlikely to embarrass ourselves next year. If they do go with White, I'd like to see maybe Steve Larkham in the coaching team also.


Michael Lynagh (62)
In short I was pretty disgusted with the media's treatment of Link.

All codes have their troubles with player behaviour at times and this was about just one player - not a group of players - no one made Beale send the text - it was him alone. Yet link has been crucified by the media.

Total disgrace by the media in the crucification of someone who is a noble man and man of integrity and good coach to boot.

He was hardly in the position of having his position under threat....only the media suggested this rubbish.

Pulver was right to be disgusted by the media on this as any rugby fan should be..

Chris McCracken

Jim Clark (26)
I have a very serious question. Is Alan Jones likely to have an aneurysm on air tomorrow and is it worth listening just in case?

Come to think of it, I think he was a supporter of White for the job in the first place, actually.
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