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Kurtley Beale

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Train Without a Station

Is it just a rumour, or true that Cheika made a statement on Beale's behalf to be submitted to the tribunal?


Stan Wickham (3)
Not a lot of evidence of smart heads anywhere around this. But I do think that is a very appropriate beneficiary and the ARU can at least salvage a sliver of dignity.

The next steps here are really interesting. If Beale stays in Australia to play rugby I would think it likely:
- he will receive less $ than he could receive in the NRL or overseas
- he really wants to play for the Waratahs and the Wallabies
- he probably values the support he has received from those closely around him

If he wants to stay there will be little the ARU can do it about because I think they have placed themselves in a very weak negotiating position.

Still waiting for some humble pie to be eaten here. I cancelled my fast because there is no need for me to save any room for it.

I hope he stays. I can't wait for his next blunder. He's more entertaining than the rugby that the wallabies are playing at the moment.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
What are you basing this on?

Based on so many posters calling out individual journalists and media groups as having secret agenda's, accusing them of making stuff up, taking sides etc.
Others ridiculed the articles written, and point of view or position taken simply because the journalists were from rugby league, or were not solely rugby scribes.


Peter Burge (5)
24 years old: an adult who is expected to vote, earn a living, and can make binding contracts.

While I agree with the sentiment here, having spent a bit of time around early to mid twenty something males of this gen Y, they just aint what they used to be. My 2 step sons, little younger than KB (Kurtley Beale) and both Joeys boys as well are the 2 biggest idiots I have ever come across. All their mates are the same, and all their mates mates are the same. Zero respect for woman, zero respect for authority, zero respect for them selves. I dont think they will "grow up" until their late 20's at best. At this stage they really have no idea about cause and effect - cant make connections between actions and consequences.

At the same age they are 5-10 years behind in maturity my generation was. I dont know why, but I do know they are not an isolated case (I also deal with a lot of this age bracket in my profession).


It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
Your right it is a fantasy. A fantasy i have is a world where females have an equal role to play and treated with the same respect as males.

Oops you've changed the argument on me.
Please just hold your thoughts, and review in good time to see how far off the mark you are with your original position I commented on, not this new thought you threw in late.

#1 Tah

Chilla Wilson (44)
To what end?

Should the ARU have ignored the tribunals verdict and chucked down their punishment based on what angry internet commenters deem appropriate?

I'm not really proposing an end, just stating that 10 petitions with 500 signatures isn't as good as one, strongly worded petition with 5000 signatures.

terry j

Ron Walden (29)
they just aint what they used to be. My 2 step sons, little younger than KB (Kurtley Beale) and both Joeys boys as well are the 2 biggest idiots I have ever come across. All their mates are the same, and all their mates mates are the same. Zero respect for woman,

I have three beautiful daughters, and am so glad I have three beautiful daughters.

I am not trying to tie this in with beale, but I weep for what I see as the almost inevitable future with this.

From what age nowadays are the young exposed to (often vicious) porn on the net? How can this fact NOT colour views on women in the future?

Recently I was speaking to a young guy and he was so offhand about this great porn flick he'd seen recently, 'poor young girl copped it from all angles from these dudes'...then asked me if I wanted to see it!

Mark my words, come and revisit this topic in half a generation and we'll see what respect women have in society.


Desmond Connor (43)
Oops you've changed the argument on me.
Please just hold your thoughts, and review in good time to see how far off the mark you are with your original position I commented on, not this new thought you threw in late.

No i haven't. All i've said this whole time is that KB (Kurtley Beale) committed an act which was sexism in the highest order. I firmly believe that the ARU could have done more to protect her. They chose to protect a male player over a female employee. That's my position and always will be. It was nothing to do with weather Beale should have been sacked or not. It's a duty of care.

and yes Link and Cheika have a role in this if they knew about the texts.


Arch Winning (36)
JOC (James O'Connor) tries to board a plane while on holiday drunk gets suspended from the Wallabies for the rest of the year and effectively told shut up and sign for the Force. Beale sends a sexist and derogatory text to team mates and accidentally to the subject. 45k fine and one game suspension. Quade paid a bigger fine for describing the Wallaby camp as toxic. All this after Beale punched his captain.

What is even more appalling is the way people wanting Cheika in the drivers seat exploited this situation. Now those same people are blaming McKenzie and Pulver! They seem to be saying that Beale should never have been investigated.

Smacks of a toxic combination of journos, lawyers and politicos having a laugh at rugby's expense to me. And to my mind the people buying it are either gullible or desperate to protect NSW rugby or both.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
Based on so many posters calling out individual journalists and media groups as having secret agenda's, accusing them of making stuff up, taking sides etc.
Others ridiculed the articles written, and point of view or position taken simply because the journalists were from rugby league, or were not solely rugby scribes.

No, I'm asking how you know journos got more right than wrong? The only thing we know for sure is that KB (Kurtley Beale) sent an offensive message.

Nothing else - not one of the other allegations against EM or DP - has yet been proven


Dick Tooth (41)
I'm not really proposing an end, just stating that 10 petitions with 500 signatures isn't as good as one, strongly worded petition with 5000 signatures.

Sure, but what's the point of this petition? What are you trying to achieve?

An independent tribunal has found Beale guilty of an offence and punished him in a matter it saw fit. The ARU accepted this punishment. What would you and the 4999 other signatures have preferred to see them do?

Kenny Powers

Ron Walden (29)
This decision was made by a panel that included a Judge and Barrister.

Rather than burning your Wallabies Jersey or signing some online petition, if you are that upset and outraged why don't you write to the NSW Premier about the quality of the judges that are appointed or to the NSW Law Society regarding the Barrister.

All the 'NSW's above should get the conspiracy theorist going.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
No i haven't. All i've said this whole time is that KB (Kurtley Beale) committed an act which was sexism in the highest order. I firmly believe that the ARU could have done more to protect her. They chose to protect a male player over a female employee. That's my position and always will be. It was nothing to do with weather Beale should have been sacked or not. It's a duty of care.

and yes Link and Cheika have a role in this if they knew about the texts.
She left the tour and went on immediate stress leave before telling them about any issue.
What could have they done?
Cheika has no role in this,he was employed by a totally different organisation.


Alfred Walker (16)
The world is just a different place Cornetto and it is hard to judge young people objectively. Personally I think I was lucky to be young when I was.

At the same time I find it difficult to believe that since I was 20 young men magically matured but have now regressed. I know a lot of people who would be very suddenly very concerned if they thought their various exploits had been filmed and were on the internet for public consumption. Basically my peer group is grateful for the fun we had and especially that we all survived to retell the tales.

I just tell my daughters and other young women who confide in me that they should not have too many expectations about most men's maturity until they are 30-35.


John Thornett (49)
Lots of anger on social media on this topic, both for and against Beale. This is how I imagine you all. I'm over it.

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