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Trevor Allan (34)
Joeys weather relentless pressure from Scots but the D is too good. They breakout, great run from Bokenham, Chan breaks through passes back to Kanaan who shimmies, breaks a tackle and scores under the sticks. Joeys 25 Scots 5

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I’m sitting behind a group of about 20-25 Shore year 12 boys listening to them abuse some kings reserve players. The arrogance is extreme and especially bad after seeing the respect shown between the joeys kings supporters and players last week. This school produces arrogant boys who are going to get an almighty shock when they school. I have recorded some of it on my phone and am considering whether I should send it to the school.
I’ve had similar experiences with comments made by boys from that school. I also understand that in the 15As there was a pitch invasion by Shore supporters just on half time after a Shore try in which the Kings players were jostled and were clearly affected in the second half


Alfred Walker (16)
I’m sitting behind a group of about 20-25 Shore year 12 boys listening to them abuse some kings reserve players. The arrogance is extreme and especially bad after seeing the respect shown between the joeys kings supporters and players last week. This school produces arrogant boys who are going to get an almighty shock when they school. I have recorded some of it on my phone and am considering whether I should send it to the school.
I reckon you should send it to their sportsmaster. None of these schools want such behaviour or approve of it.

Up the Guts

Steve Williams (59)
I’m sitting behind a group of about 20-25 Shore year 12 boys listening to them abuse some kings reserve players. The arrogance is extreme and especially bad after seeing the respect shown between the joeys kings supporters and players last week. This school produces arrogant boys who are going to get an almighty shock when they school. I have recorded some of it on my phone and am considering whether I should send it to the school.
Year 12 Shore boys sit in the front of the grandstand, how are you sitting behind them?

Anyway, this happens to every GPS winger regardless of the school.

Black & White

Vay Wilson (31)
I’m sitting behind a group of about 20-25 Shore year 12 boys listening to them abuse some kings reserve players. The arrogance is extreme and especially bad after seeing the respect shown between the joeys kings supporters and players last week. This school produces arrogant boys who are going to get an almighty shock when they school. I have recorded some of it on my phone and am considering whether I should send it to the school.

Yes, mass hysteria regarding group behaviour. I have noticed there is no member of staff supervising these boys. So their behaviour is unregulated. On a positive note, individually Shore boys and their parents are excellent people.


Alfred Walker (16)
Yes, mass hysteria regarding group behaviour. I have noticed there is no member of staff supervising these boys. So their behaviour is unregulated. On a positive note, individually Shore boys and their parents are excellent people.
Yes! True, of all our GPS schools.
And big congratulations to Joeys.

Rob hart

Ted Thorn (20)
Congratulations to Joeys today a very deserved Championship win Scots will lament I’ll discipline and season long basic handling errors. Congratulations to all the teams especially the year 12 boys.

Up the Guts

Steve Williams (59)
Yes, mass hysteria regarding group behaviour. I have noticed there is no member of staff supervising these boys. So their behaviour is unregulated. On a positive note, individually Shore boys and their parents are excellent people.

The HM, Deputy HM, Sportsmaster, Head of Pastoral Care, etc. all sit behind the boys in the grandstand at Shore. In what way is there no member of staff supervising these boys?


Frank Row (1)
I’m sitting behind a group of about 20-25 Shore year 12 boys listening to them abuse some kings reserve players. The arrogance is extreme and especially bad after seeing the respect shown between the joeys kings supporters and players last week. This school produces arrogant boys who are going to get an almighty shock when they school. I have recorded some of it on my phone and am considering whether I should send it to the school.

Yes, absolutely report/send it. Everyone is turning a blind eye to what is really going on - perhaps because it is so covert these days or perhaps no-one reports it (you can do this) so it keeps happening. It might help a boy avoid what my son’s been through, even in rugby from his own school not the opposition. At one game, boys in another team took his tee because they thought someone else was better to the extent that in earshot (not knowing we were his parents) they yelled out “why is .... kicking, ..... is better”. it turned out my son won the award for best kicker in the school but that meant nothing to them.

This behaviour should be not be tolerated. My son is struggling with anxiety/depression, although not only because of what happened at rugby. However it was his rugby which he had to look forward to so, when he wasn’t given much credit (mainly by his peers) despite playing in an undefeated side (U15D) due to his kicking ability and play at fly half which was replicated the following year in U16D (except the undefeated part), his self confidence and sense of achievement really took a dive.

With the yellow and red cards given out in today’s game (although I didn’t watch to know why they were given), one must question what is going on at some schools. I know last week Scots gave away a penalty try which almost cost them the match.


Frank Row (1)
The HM, Deputy HM, Sportsmaster, Head of Pastoral Care, etc. all sit behind the boys in the grandstand at Shore. In what way is there no member of staff supervising these boys?

I can believe staff members are there but not saying/doing anything. I’ve witnessed first hand at another school within its own grounds. So it’s not just their behaviour to the opposition, it’s to each other.
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