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Ward Prentice (10)
Tomorrow's games are very important; If the favourites win ( assuming Kings,View and New are favs ) they will start to put a gap on the pack.
If there are upsets, esp Kings v Scots, then it closes up and becomes very interesting. Hoping my View boys win as there could be an upset on White Oval and they'll be all tied up.


Billy Sheehan (19)
Schools like Joeys need to take note in how the Shore old boys behave. You never see pitch invasions, racial abuse etc.


Ward Prentice (10)
Schools like Joeys need to take note in how the Shore old boys behave. You never see pitch invasions, racial abuse etc.

Supposedly take notes Joeys boys…



Darby Loudon (17)
Last year I attended the match with friends and family. While the game was stellar the crowd was something else. I have been coming to school rugby games since 1975. In those early years my dad and I would sit near some old boy groups and enjoy the banter. There were times when someone overstepped the mark and was quickly reminded by classmates, “we are at a school match” due to the venue

In 2022 I sat in the stands in my usual position (old timers know where to find me) and I was soon surrounded by a couple of school groups, one including one of my sons. The game started as usual with year groups bantering with others and the players in the dead ball area. But as the afternoon progressed the language and mood turned for the worse. My wife was horrified when some old boys started racially abusing players. Players coped an astounding amount of filth. This would never be acceptable at a school venue.


The venue dictates the behavior. Even if there are old boys in attendance, if a school does it’s job then there are no issues. View in 2018 failed to provide adequate security (3 only??) and hence the day was marred by old boy pitch invasions. But put these young old boys in a venue that has no historical expectations to behave appropriately then you will get that what you paid for. A thuggish disgusting mob which is not what the two schools stand for. .

Holding games at professional venues that do not have an expectation of behavior sullies it for all.

good luck to both teams
Thanks Joker. A couple of comments to add:

I attended last year at Leichhardt Oval with my wife. We sat on the non grandstand side and had an excellent view of three very good rugby matches. Unfortunately, the group of old boys behind us behaved so badly that a couple of then came down off the hill, stood behind our seats, started spilling beer and yelling extremely foul abuse at the players. After a period of time, the game was stopped, the Police arrived and controlled the scene. But it's not acceptable at any venue - whether public or school. I note that the inspection of bags for alcohol at the entrance to the ground was non-existent. So what's the point of moving the game if you still cannot control the crowd?

As a Lane Cove local, I sympathise with Riverview in that they have a significant challenge of multiple entry points to the campus that are extremely hard to control. That is just the nature of the ground. You can stroll in from Tambourine Bay side unquestioned. Even INP can get in there without anyone noticing. Whereas at Joeys there are only two entrances and it is much easier to control who comes in and what they bring into the ground. Not perfect but easier.

No school is perfect. No venue is perfect. Old boys from all schools misbehave at times.

Finally I also want to wish the teams playing at Leichhardt Oval good luck and I hope it is a memorable experience that they will enjoy.


Ward Prentice (10)
As per, great points. The whole purpose of moving the game last year was to prevent or at least limit the possible/probable old boy disturbances yet with no security ( bag checks etc ), what's the use and why not keep the game at Lane Cove and limit the point of entrances ( gates, security ). The bigger the crowd, the more likely of trouble esp at a neutral,suburban ground with lots of pubs around.
No venue is perfect then keep the games at the schools and hopefully, like Joker mentions, the fact that the old boys are at a school may cause them to think twice and respect the environment.
Hoping to go back to Lane Cove soon.


Ward Prentice (10)
As per, great points. The whole purpose of moving the game last year was to prevent or at least limit the possible/probable old boy disturbances yet with no security ( bag checks etc ), what's the use and why not keep the game at Lane Cove and limit the point of entrances ( gates, security ). The bigger the crowd, the more likely of trouble esp at a neutral,suburban ground with lots of pubs around.
No venue is perfect then keep the games at the schools and hopefully, like Joker mentions, the fact that the old boys are at a school may cause them to think twice and respect the environment.
Hoping to go back to Lane Cove soon.
The leichhardt experiment has been objectively successful. I think it’s gong to be a permanent thing

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
The leichhardt experiment has been objectively successful. I think it’s gong to be a permanent thing
Hope not. Novelty will wear off and crowds will inevitably get smaller with 2 rounds and catch ups/reunions being organised for your home round. Parents will stop showing up with boys from teams not playing at Leichhardt as well which is a shame.

Some people have definitely been drinking the Kool Aid from the office at View.

Sort out the fencing and condition of facilities and your good to go.

I’ve seen crowds hosted at View just as large as what will be at Leichhardt tomorrow.


Ward Prentice (10)
Hope not. Novelty will wear off and crowds will inevitably get smaller with 2 rounds and catch ups/reunions being organised for your home round. Parents will stop showing up with boys from teams not playing at Leichhardt as well which is a shame.

Some people have definitely been drinking the Kool Aid from the office at View.

Sort out the fencing and condition of facilities and your good to go.

I’ve seen crowds hosted at View just as large as what will be at Leichhardt tomorrow.
A full crowd on a professional oval is great from a marketing standpoint


John Hipwell (52)

Not-for-profit requirements​

Section 83C of the NSW Education Act 1990 states that to be eligible for funding, non-government schools must not operate for profit. The not-for-profit definition specifies that:
  • School income and assets are not to be used for a purpose other than the operation of the school.
  • All payments, including to related parties, are to be at reasonable market value and required for the running of the school.
  • Payments must be reasonable given that financial assistance is being provided to the school.
  • Payments to members of school governing bodies are prohibited.
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