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Darby Loudon (17)
kings vs Scot’s

I would like say kings were perfect, did take the foot off the pedal for first part of 2nd half. Amazing game though. Boston unlucky to receive a red card and I doubt he’ll miss any games after I watched the clutch footage I’d say a yellow would have been a better call.

Scot’s just couldn’t offer much against kings in all honesty, in the 2nds the number 10 Ben was outstanding and I think will cement his spot in pres 1s next week against competition jonty.


Bob Loudon (25)
Didn’t notice that one. My fault.

Joeys lack punch from what I saw. Think of last year with Jorgensen, Leahy in the backline and a guy like Barrett amongst the pack. It had defences worried about them and they will do something at some point. Right now nobody in that team looks to pose a threat. You can stay calm in defence. If the 9 wasn’t out there it would be a mess. 12,14 in the 2nds deserves a run IMO
Agree with this …will struggle against kings imo

Joe King

Dave Cowper (27)
Didn’t notice that one. My fault.

Joeys lack punch from what I saw. Think of last year with Jorgensen, Leahy in the backline and a guy like Barrett amongst the pack. It had defences worried about them and they will do something at some point. Right now nobody in that team looks to pose a threat. You can stay calm in defence. If the 9 wasn’t out there it would be a mess. 12,14 in the 2nds deserves a run IMO
Joyes game pretty bland and without their usual precision. Don't agree Joeys 9 was stand out. He does some things well, but lets the team down at important moments. Very uncharacteristic for a Joeys player.


Frank Row (1)
Might contribute to all this talk about disallowed tries but the ruck prior to the first Joeys try today, a joeys defender blatantly dives into the ruck off his feet
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