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QLD Premier Rugby 2015

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Frank Nicholson (4)
I am not sure who will be more upset Filth or Red Heavy but apparently Mick Heenan is coaching both Bros and Uni this weekend according to Qld Premier Weekly.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
GPSGPSGPS and everyone in general.

Let's keen the focus to what's on the field please.

Anymore snide remarks about off-field stuff, including snipes at clubs, will draw a one week ban from the forum.

Tigers Tale

Reg - can we issue ourselves a yellow card? I might give it some thought. (yes Filth answering my own questions again!!!)

Interesting day for Sam Cox & Sam Fattal returning to Bottomley with Bond tomorrow.

This game is vital for Easts & Bonds major semi aspirations - a "double" points game really (i.e. get the points and you deny your opponents points.)


Frank Nicholson (4)
From what I saw of Bond last week I am thinking Easts will have their measure, should be close early but I think the Tigers may be too strong late in the game.

TT - If we can't knock off North's that will just about do me!! I am very confident that we will be able to restore some pride and come home with a solid victory, even though historically we have not performed well at all at Shaw road. If we lose, I will consider standing with you in the glue factory in 2 weeks time in a Tigers shirt!

Tigers Tale

GPSx3 - GPS are not alone in finding Norths tough to beat at Hugh Courtney. Norths are a good side if they are having a good day.

I think the form lines though are worlds apart - GPS more competitive over their last 3 starts whereas Norths have conceded 50+ average over last 3.

If you do go down I will drop off some Tigers shirts to Yoku on Sunday morning!!!!

You will play Norths again in Round 18 at Yoku at full strength - that might be a tough day at the office for the Eagles.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Correct, If you were to erase the last 2 months and look at the two sides on paper, it is a win to GPS by 50+ however after the first 8 rounds I don't know what to think anymore!

Snbk V Uni should be a cracker, I am picking the Bank to bounce back from last week and get one over Uni this week.

TT - I see you blokes have drawn your old mate to have the whistle this week!


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
I think if the Norths fans turn out in numbers it could make a difference.

Playing in front of a vocal Shaw Rd home crowd can put a lot of teams off, except Brothers... we are use to it.

Tigers Tale

GPSx3 - The whistle blower will give what we always expect from him - the unexpected!!

For the sake of the game I just hope it doesn't have a finish like round 2 this year. What may have been if that last play penalty that day had sailed through the posts, possibly both our clubs might be in a vastly different positions.

Mr Moore might have his hands full with the scrums if Paraka makes life difficult for Will Slipper. I don't think Slipper has ever liked playing Easts particularly v the Spud (Pettowa Paraka), or Pat Ritchie before him.

It has been at least 5 years since Bond/Breakers tasted success over the Tigers in a Batty/Bremner/Thomas Trophy match, so one might say they are due, but I think Easts will be too strong for them at the scrum and breakdown.

Regardless let's hope for sunshine so we can enjoy good rugby, cold beer and the tiger slid at Bottomley tomorrow!!!!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s526x395/11230116_890990900964748_1071910233602339637_n.jpg?oh=d7d3e0ba7e7e5c21d04295461d6d881f&oe=55CB31DD&__gda__=1443640123_1f24d76760d977eb985c0254c0924846


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
that should just combine the names of the clubs and play for this trophy:


The BREASTS Trophy

Tigers Tale

My tips for tomorrow:
Snbk to bounce back v Uni;
Bros to put Filth out of his misery v Souths;
GPS will get win #2 for 2015;
Easts v Bond ???? - Tigers by 1


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
God, aren't the Reds dreadful?

I think you could put together a team of Premier Rugby players who would do better in Super Rugby at the moment. I'll give it a go.

1) Paraka
2) Mafi
3) Tupou
4) Fattal
5) Fuimaono
6) Beauchamp
7) Mitchell
8) De Guingand
9) Mullins (c)
10) Greene
11) Laloifi
12) Gordon
13) White
14) Pincus
15) Hagen

Coach: Tim Sampson

(Based on current form).

Huge Garryowen

Frank Row (1)
God, aren't the Reds dreadful?

I think you could put together a team of Premier Rugby players who would do better in Super Rugby at the moment. I'll give it a go.

1) Paraka
2) Mafi
3) Tupou
4) Fattal
5) Fuimaono
6) Beauchamp
7) Mitchell
8) De Guingand
9) Mullins (c)
10) Greene
11) Laloifi
12) Gordon
13) White
14) Pincus
15) Hagen

Coach: Tim Sampson

(Based on current form).

Huge Garryowen

Frank Row (1)
By the looks of it this team couldn't do any worse, at least with Sampson in charge you'd have the players wanting to play for their coach.
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