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QLD Premier Rugby 2015

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Tigers Tale

My GPS friends any early thoughts for the first round of the Dammers Redemption Cup this Saturday v the Tigers?

Tigers Tale

Filth you won't like this but I think you'll make the top 4 but can you do enough to get a major semi spot?

Unfortunately I think Bond's depth is now being tested and they'll slip out and the Filth will be the beneficiary.

Tigers Tale

Was 2011 - Stingrays - the last time the semi finalist didn't come from Uni, GPS, Snbk, Bros & Easts?


John Thornett (49)
Filth you won't like this but I think you'll make the top 4 but can you do enough to get a major semi spot?

Unfortunately I think Bond's depth is now being tested and they'll slip out and the Filth will be the beneficiary.
I'd have to disagree about Bond. They have played the top 2 (Easts & University) the past two games. Those results essentially went to script.

Bond's Reserve Grade team is looking the goods as well sitting in second.

I'll be backing them to make the finals.

Sunnybank look to be a bit shaky right now. They are the one's that may slip out of the 4 if this form continues.

I'd say Easts & University have finals locked up now. With Bond-Brothers-Sunnybank (in that order on current form), fighting it out for 3-4th.

Tigers Tale

T12 - I am pumping up Filth's tyres!!!

Bond are a good side, and in the losses to Easts & Uni over the last two weekends I think they were down some troops. They get them back and come round 18 v Easts it may well determine major & minor semi spots.

It would be nice for everyone else in the top 4 if either Sunnybank or Uni were the one to drop out. Their clash in round 18 will probably also have a major baring on semi final positions.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I'm tipping a cracking day of rugby this weekend at Yoku. Most excited I've been in a long time. I think score lines in most games will be close and hopefully this bit of rain will have the fields looking great.


Bill Watson (15)
The game between Souths and Sunnybank on Saturday seems to have flown under the radar on this forum. Souths played almost a faultless second half to come from a narrow 13-12 lead at halftime to a commanding 44-19 win over the bankers. The Magpies might just miss the final 4 but on their day they can beat any of the top 4 and I am certain that they will regret the 18-17 loss to Bond and the 28-26 loss to Easts. In each case they had an opportunity to win (Bond) or draw (Easts). Then there was the shock loss to Norths after leading 17-0. They will give all teams nerves this Round 2, especially with Beau Robinson back to his harassing best, as demonstrated on Saturday. Write off the Magpies at your peril.

Tigers Tale

Indeed Warhorse Souths are a very talented side that you underestimate at your peril.

What will make the second half of the season interesting is if Souths and GPS start knocking off a few of the top 5.

I think the Tigers will travel to Yoku Rd this Saturday very wary of what the Gallopers are capable of.


Frank Row (1)
The game between Souths and Sunnybank on Saturday seems to have flown under the radar on this forum. Souths played almost a faultless second half to come from a narrow 13-12 lead at halftime to a commanding 44-19 win over the bankers. The Magpies might just miss the final 4 but on their day they can beat any of the top 4 and I am certain that they will regret the 18-17 loss to Bond and the 28-26 loss to Easts. In each case they had an opportunity to win (Bond) or draw (Easts). Then there was the shock loss to Norths after leading 17-0. They will give all teams nerves this Round 2, especially with Beau Robinson back to his harassing best, as demonstrated on Saturday. Write off the Magpies at your peril.

Souths found their mojo last saturday and will be the dark horses of what remains of this season

Tigers Tale

I think mathematically it may be a bridge too far for Souths.

Current table:
Easts 38
Uni 33
Snbk 31
Bros 31
Bond 28
Souths 22

Based on the previous 4 years (adjusted for the Stingrays) average points per top 4 spot has been:
1st 63.5;
2nd 57.5;
3rd 55.8;
4th 54.3.

Therefore Souths would need about 33 points from their remaining 7 games to sneak into the 4 - its possible if they are good enough.

The Magpies will rue those lost points from the first round, and if they drop a game its over for 2015, because the maximum points you can get per game is 5. I know this sound obvious but for e.g. you can get 3 for a draw & 4 tries or 2 for a loss with BP for <7 & 4 tries.

If GPS, Wests and Souths take the points against the existing top 5 then it changes the whole dynamic of the numbers relating to the top 4 spots, but these numbers tend to be a good guide.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Orrrr I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest Norths older heads only want to play 2nd grade and fill in for firsts as replacements. Considering Easts vs Norths in first grade was battle for the spoon and in 2nd grade it was 2nd vs fifth.

Does anyone really care? There are 3 grades above them for guys who want to be really competitive. Let them run around and have some fun.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Jets, on your point above, I have no problem with clubs stacking lower grades sides of blokes who want to play together, GPS have done it for years but the teams above have also been strong in that time. It wasn't detrimental to others aspects of the club.

I think the reason Norths 2nds are turning heads is because all the teams above are not just getting beaten but really really heavily beaten which seems odd.

Not having a go at Norths, TGB made their situation clear, just an observation of why people may care about it.

Red Heavy

Billy Sheehan (19)
The 3rd grade players from other clubs probably care Jets but you are right outside of that.

I know this used to happen at uni back in the day when all the higher grades where getting belted each week.
It was one of the first things we changed to try and improve in the Dougherty shield.
It worked out for us in the end but not before some short term issues like losing an entire team over to wests. They were all good blokes who contributed to the club but didn't want to split up so it was sad to see them go.

Not saying this is the right option for everyone it's just what we did.

Tigers Tale

Winners of the Doughty Shield for the last 25 years, whatever change Uni mad in terms of its application towards the Doughty Shield its worked given that they have won it the last 5 years.
1990 University
1991 Brothers
1992 Souths
1993 Brothers
1994 Souths
1995 University
1996 Brothers
1997 University
1998 Wests
1999 Souths
2000 Wests
2001 University
2002 Sunnybank
2003 Easts
2004 Easts
2005 Easts
2006 GPS
2007 Sunnybank
2008 GPS
2009 Easts
2010 University
2011 University
2012 University
2013 University
2014 University


Ward Prentice (10)
Yeah it is tough... I'm not going to sugar coat it.

When you have 35-38 guys turn up on a turn up on a Tuesday, you pick what you can from there.

15-16 for Prems
15 for Res grade
The remaining 4-7 guys are 1st grade for the week.
(training with Res grade on Tues then mix in with 2nds on Thurs)

Cant really work on anything with those guys, just do some drills, fill in some gaps in the other teams, and try and keep their interest up.

The 2nds only train on Thurs, and even then, they also struggle for numbers at times. The 15 guys that train on a Thurs for 2nds also aren't necessarily the same 15 that run out on Sat morning.

So the 2nds work on what they can, Prems & Res also work on what they can with a full compliment, and 1st grade is sort of stuck in the middle.

The boys that are turning up week in and week out for our 1st grade side, need a medal in my opinion. They are true club men. This small group of guys are getting bashed physically and emotionally, and will still be there on Tues at 6pm ready to go another round.

I'm not posting this for sympathy or to hear "poor Norths" etc. just to state the reality. Provide some transparency.
This is where we are at and I'm sure other clubs are or have been there/here as well.
I do feel sorry for our players, and also the opposition.
I have been on the other side of the coin at clubs where you cant sit down in the club house without a trophy being jammed into ya jacksy.
I know there becomes a certain point in the game where you think "oh man, this sucks", for both teams, 1 usually a lot sooner than the other, but they all feel it.
I will say the opposition that we have come up against have been nothing but respectful of our situation. There is no big heads, no gloating, no chat thrown. Just rugby played. That's good to see, and THAT is a major reason why our guys will turn up at 6pm tomorrow. They love the game and they love their club.

That is why we probably get more frustrated when our players seek greener pastures. We understand their reasons and respect their decision, but it is still tough.
Not only because they are quality players and quality men, but because they are, with no disrespect to them, a number.
A numbered jersey we have to find another player to fill.

Obviously results effect our club and have done for some time, but the fees have paid a massive part in our reduction in numbers.

We have many former Norths players running around on the Northside playing the 13 man game because their fees are less than half.

Thanks Pull Billver!

Others have just hung up the boots because its an easier option for them.

All our players are feeling it, all our club is, but we will keep turning up and we will keep trying our best, because that's what rugby players do.

Now - look out Uni!!!

Tigers Tale

TGB it is for the reasons outlined above that I posted this on Saturday:

You have to give respect to those guys in the traditional Teachers-Norths jersey they have copped cricket scores for the last 5/6 starts yet they keep fronting up and giving it a shot. The tide will turn at some point and it will be very satisfying for all from Courtney Oval.

I agree with a lot of what you have said about the cost to play Rugby - it is not just Pulver that you have to thank but also John O'Neill.

Tigers Tale

With respect to QPR & the NRC/S15/other representation I think the Doughty Shield is the true test of the best club - so well done to Uni it is now for others to aim up.
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