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Rebels 2014

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Ted Thorn (20)
Ahh, I have heard that about Pyle. The exact quote was 'what a dickhead.' We'll see though, not sure that exactly equates to being mentally weak. He was in great form this season, if he can keep playing like that I'll be happy enough. Agreed on Neville's motor, it's ridiculous for a man his size. Again, he's a big upside player. It's an exciting position to be in.

The one I'm most excited about is Jones though. I've been talking him up for the last two years, hoping this is the year when he finally explodes and puts the entire competition on notice.

It's going to be now or never very quickly for him if he doesn't!


Ron Walden (29)
I don't know much of the front row but imo the Rebels back 5 should look like this:

4. Jones
5. Pyle
6. Timani
7. Fainga'a
8. Higginbotham (c)

19. Neville
20. Reid


Ted Thorn (20)
I'd back Fuglistaller over the other 2.

I don't think Mr McGahan sees Jones as a lock tbh. Something about his scrummaging......................


Dick Tooth (41)
Jones is only 22 in fairness.

He's a better 6 than he is a lock really. I'm not sure about the hooker, but outside of that...


Timani Jr.


Ted Thorn (20)
I don't know much of the front row but imo the Rebels back 5 should look like this:

4. Jones
5. Pyle
6. Timani
7. Fainga'a
8. Higginbotham (c)

19. Neville
20. Reid

Not bad. Lopeti is an interesting proposition. He can play when he wants to. But for the most part is a train wreck.

I'd have

4- Neville
5- S. Timani (watch this space)
6- Jones
7- Fuglistaller
8- Higginbotham

I think from memory they have signed Toby Smith from NZ and Tom Sexton from Ireland so assume they'll be 1 and 2 respectively. 3 is up for grabs.

And Tamati Ellison will be the 12. Not too sure about the rest of the blokes with double figures on their backs.


Dick Tooth (41)
You've got mail on Timani?

I like the idea of Lopeti coming off the bench with 20 to go, just running around being a mad dog. No way he'd be starting though.


Geoff Shaw (53)
He is. I imagine the early pecking order will be Fainga'a - Fuglistaller - Reid.

Fugistaller is still in a sling if I'm not mistaken.

Reid could easily be a 6, but he's probably not the kind of 6 Aussies like. In some other countries he'd be perfect.

I don't either. Plus I would assume Jason Woodward has the 15 locked away. I also believe he's Australian eligible.

Yeah obviously, the man deserves first crack at the 15.

However he won't be Aussie eligible until at least Spring Tour 2015.


Geoff Shaw (53)
I'd have

4- Neville
5- S. Timani (watch this space)
6- Jones
7- Fuglistaller
8- Higginbotham

You may not like Pyle knuckles but he will be a starter in 2014.

4- Jones
5- Pyle
6- Timani
7- Fuglistaller
8- Higginbotham

Than on the bench would be


Super Rugby going to 23 man squad's next season?


Trevor Allan (34)
He's a big upside player. High-risk, high-reward.

I've always liked that in a flyhalf to be honest. He can light a game up, can move a team around the park, can make things happen off his own back. He's young and exciting and the sort of person you want to get along to see. If he flakes out, he flakes out, but he's well worth the crack when our other options are Roberts (blech) and Hegarty - who I quite like but is still far from being a top notch flyhalf.

Yeah, because the Rebels and those kind of players have worked out in the past. Cips, JOC (James O'Connor) and KB (Kurtley Beale) all can change the game in the blink of an eye but are massive twats.


Peter Johnson (47)
Yeah, because the Rebels and those kind of players have worked out in the past. Cips, JOC (James O'Connor) and KB (Kurtley Beale) all can change the game in the blink of an eye but are massive twats.

No one said he was a fluffybunny but.

He's more comparable to Cooper in that he is mercurial on the field.


John Thornett (49)
Don't know if it's been noted here, but Sean McMahon (GPS & Australian Sevens) is apparently with you lot next season, according to today's Courier Mail up here.


Greg Davis (50)
A few points:

  • Isn’t Timani Jnr essentially unproven at the S15 level? Not sure why he’s suddenly elevated to starting in some of these lists
  • Agree about Jones needing to step up and cement his spot. He’d be my starting 6, and is almost the prototype physical specimen for the position
  • I think Fuglistaller is a rough gem and the sort of tough nut any team loves, but will be pushed out by Fainga'a
  • Interesting if Timani Snr signs, I’d start him next to Pyle
  • Reid is still very young and has shown some brilliant flashes, from memory he had a solid game against the Lions
  • Fainga'a is a potential club captain, the performances he put in at Brumby-land while Pocock was out and Smith unavailable made me very happy with his recruitment.

The backrow stocks are bulging at the seams. A new coach and staff means all spots are up for grabs and the incumbents are on notice. It’s all looking very positive, especially with the new executive. I’m expecting some big scalps to fall next year.


Interesting comments here lads. Very good discussion.

My 2 cents about the big lads:

At the moment, based on last years form, Pyle is the top of the pecking order. He was the standout lock for the Rebels last year and fully deserves a shot on the EOYT. Ball carrying, line outs and linking the play-makers in attack in particular was superb. Probably needs to keep his head down and push harder in the scrums, as he is a bit of a meerkat in the Elsom mode way too often. Not sure where the dickhead notion comes from though; in all my dealings with him he has been a nice bloke to talk to.

Neville worries me. Yes, he is a natural athlete but he blows so hot and cold that it is hard to get a decent take on him. Really only gets a start when other options are exhausted. He gets involved, but it appears he is only in second gear, or depends on his mood - love to see him start to hurt people at the breakdown and get a few metres over the gain line a bit more.

Jones. Yes, this kid excites the shit out of me. Quite possibly the most naturally gifted of all three, and a firm fan favourite. I have a gut feeling he is going to blow the roof off in 2014. Could very well be top dog at some point. This kid is going places, as long as he keeps working and developing.


Peter Johnson (47)
I think the rebels pack will be strong next year but consistent scrum dominance won't come for another season or two.

The teams success will rely on the halves combination firing. The rest of the backline has enough quality.

Even though I don't like the signing of Kiwis, I do like the look of this kid from hawkes bay. A backline of:
Stirzacker/Burgess, West, Sitauti, Ellison, Kingston, Veinu, Woodward
...would be nice. Lots of pace and good skills but ball handling might be a bit questionable.

In the long term the rebels need to be signing more Australian players. 2 Australian born players in the backline is not sustainable for australian rugby.

I expect initial improvement, but the rebels will struggle once the injuries come.


Greg Davis (50)
He's the beast of the pack. Some of his runs have been outstanding - 10+m through the tight, with opposition forwards hanging on for dear life or sprawled in his wake.

I hope he hits his straps. It's easy to forget the age of many of the forwards. They'll be filling out those final few kgs and putting a bit more iron around the shoulders. Call me a tragic but my hopes are high for 2014.


Peter Johnson (47)
Rebels pack just needs to step up next year. They have the talent and all of them will have a full pre-season. No excuses if they don't perform.


Yes, and I suppose it should be noted that even though there is a new coach on board, he is hardly a rookie coach and will have had the benefit of a full pre-season with the squad.

Additionally, Tony also had a very big part in the squad signings/releases since June, so it is not as if he inherited a squad that he had no input towards choosing, unlike Foley and Cheika at the Force/Tahs.

4th year is long enough for the fan base to expect the boys to be shooting for a top 6 finish.

Biggest weakness? Depth. Lose a few key players and it could all come unravelled.

However, I agree with Bowside; no excuses next season.


Geoff Shaw (53)
I think the rebels pack will be strong next year but consistent scrum dominance won't come for another season or two.

The teams success will rely on the halves combination firing. The rest of the backline has enough quality.

Even though I don't like the signing of Kiwis, I do like the look of this kid from hawkes bay. A backline of:
Stirzacker/Burgess, West, Sitauti, Ellison, Kingston, Veinu, Woodward
.would be nice. Lots of pace and good skills but ball handling might be a bit questionable.

In the long term the rebels need to be signing more Australian players. 2 Australian born players in the backline is not sustainable for australian rugby.

I expect initial improvement, but the rebels will struggle once the injuries come.

Can't see Kingston starting at 13 ahead of Inman who is finally starting to prove he is up to this level.

Mr Wobbly

Alan Cameron (40)
Biggest weakness? Depth. Lose a few key players and it could all come unravelled.

I don't disagree with you but I think the depth in the squad is looking a lot more solid than in the previous seasons.

I'd say, at this early stage, the only blokes in the forwards that would be almost certain starters would be Smith, Pyle and Higgers. There should be some decent competition for the other starting spots.

I wouldn't mind a backline of: Stirzacker, ?, Veinu, Ellison, Inman, English and Woodward. That leaves a few pretty good players sitting on the bench. Goal kicking could be a big issue, hopefully whoever is signed as a fly half can at least be a back up kicker to Woodward.
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