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RWC: NZL v ARG (Wembley Stadium) Pool C

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Chris McCracken

Jim Clark (26)
As the Puma's four scored the try Carter's boot made contact with his head. What Carter's boot was doing there God knows but he would be cited in the NH.

I'm failing to see your point about the Northern Hemisphere. Fundamentally, the game was in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, by your reckoning, will be cited, anyway.

Nonetheless, I'm keen to have a look at the incident now.

the plastic paddy

John Solomon (38)
I'm failing to see your point about the Northern Hemisphere. Fundamentally, the game was in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, by your reckoning, will be cited, anyway.

Nonetheless, I'm keen to have a look at the incident now.
But the incident will not be judged by a NH citing panel, it will be under different auspices. I guess I am surprised that no one else on green and gold has even mentioned the issue yet it was brought up immediately by a number of posters on Munsterfans. It indicates to me that head injuries seem to be differently prioritised in the two hemispheres.

Because of the long term injuries to the likes of North, Brown and to a lesser extent Sexton, head injuries are a very big issue in Europe.


Tom Lawton (22)
Magnificent game and game plan by Argentina. They were the complete business for 60 minutes. It's a pity they don't have the ability to call on world class subs like NZ do.

Sadly I suspect that this game is going to be the template all teams try against NZ for the rest of the tournament which is going to turn every game into a slog. I'm not sure that it's the correct way to go.


John Thornett (49)
Very poor opening 50 minutes from the AB's, but they had things well under control after Argentina wore themselves out by playing like madmen over that time period.

In saying that, Crockett needs to start in the knockouts. Woodcock is shot. A.Smith will also probably play just about all minutes of the knockout matches unless the match is well and truly safe -- the difference in passing and kicking abilities between him and Perenara is measured in light years. Carter also needs to stop shoveling the ball sideways, and attack the line like he did at Eden Park. Overall, a decent enough start, but plenty to work on. Don't want to be peaking too early.

Also had a little giggle at Barnes correctly calling a forward pass in a RWC match.

I think he is a brilliant player, certainly the best I have seen and a lot of the abuse he gets is pure jealousy. That said, time is just starting to catch up with the man and the clever/ cynical bits and pieces that have made him so brilliant are starting to get spotted. NZ are not the force of old.



Michael Lynagh (62)
Magnificent game and game plan by Argentina. They were the complete business for 60 minutes. It's a pity they don't have the ability to call on world class subs like NZ do.

Sadly I suspect that this game is going to be the template all teams try against NZ for the rest of the tournament which is going to turn every game into a slog. I'm not sure that it's the correct way to go.

Argentina were magnificent as you said for 60 minutes where after that fatigue set in and impact of AB's subs was telling..SBW was the telling difference for my mind as his impact was immense.

Yes sadly very few teams can match the depth of AB's reserves as they could put another 3 teams on the bench who would just about make the first XV of any other international side.

At least NZ knew they were in the game and Argies showed they are beatable as they were in a position where they did have a chance to win the game before SBW impact...

The Argie scrum is a beast as to constantly put the AB scrum under pressure they did was huge....nice to see they also have some classy backs as always been renown for world class forwards but ordinary in backline department and was certainly whole team performance.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Also like how TMO interjected at key points of the game in ref's ear to look at incidents etc as help clean up the game and make it a fairer contest

Like what they are doing there as that with vigor to penalise players not rolling away is doing great job to create more free flowing rugby and less of the illegal cynicism that otherwise creeps in the game...


Michael Lynagh (62)
Really? I thought deep down everyone loves him and pretends to hate him on game day.

Deep down the booing of Richie I see as sign of respect as the guy is the best at what he does and you always want to see someone knock of the best. No different to fact I support everyone (just about) to beat the AB's.

And that is not because I disrespect the AB's - on the contrary - as they are the No.1 team and if you just had one team dominate and win every game and never lose wouldn't it be boring.....so yep I want to see just about anyone beat the AB's as it would mean the team that does has achieved something amazing....whilst if AB's won it is expected...

Japan beating Boks a case in point....


Trevor Allan (34)
McCaw is suitably embaressed by his yellow card, as he should be. Sir Graham Henry, in full headmaster mode, gave him and Smith a little ticking off in the media today.
Although I am normally a SBW hater, I thought he made a terrific impact when he came on, as did all the reserves. Barrett was on fire.

I am well aware how McCaw is viewed by many overseas fans. I was just taking the piss.


Herbert Moran (7)
I see the NZ coach is saying that booing McCaw by the crowd is a bit passe and that you don't boo nobodys. Wow Quade must really be something then. Those NZ crowds sure know quality when they see it.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Official IRB Match Report.

NZ vs Argentina


1st hour, losing the collisions, losing the game. Will Aus/Ire/Fra/Eng/ run out of puff like Arg did in the last 20 and let NZ off the hook? Like fuck they will.

Well, maybe just England haha

I cannot believe I have read some shit online saying that this was an acceptable AB first-up performance. The forwards were OWND. Pull that spindly feeble old man shit against another top 4 team and its oh ok bye then try again in 019

wow the foot trip from Mccaw. What the holy fuck. I am in shock. It's like the pope was caught on CCTV kicking the goddamn altar. Total brainlock moment. Schedule an MRI. A cat scan. A polygraph. Something. Surely it's pretensile dementia.

Money Bill Redemption Hour. Haha who said we shouldnt take him haha oh hi guyz

Cartier always ran a bit pigeon-toed but these days runs like he has some little stones stuck in his shoes. The whole time. Still, he makes his kicks so fuckit

Woodcock has booked himself a ticket in the stands. Him and O.Franks are like two sea cows lost at the opera. See them? Over there. They're the ones with the
ir lipstick smeared, looking a wee bit lost. O.Franks missed FOUR fucking tackles. Faumiana and Crocket far better suited to the catch pass run & murder game NZ trying to go with.

The Skudder was lost out there, lost in some sort of deep space free fall. Made one tackle and missed THREE. wft. Still, some nice touches i suppose.

K.Read top shit in the lineouts but yeah i dunno. Missing tackle for try not a flash look. Kaino not up to much either. Give Vito a burl. "Experience" is all that but out on the paddock when your pack are the ones going backwards on impact jesus try option B.

Retallick MOTM? he was part of the forward pack getting donkey-punched in the first hour, last I noticed. Aaron Smith MOTM, absolutely got NZ out of jail there, exhorting the troops, and quality pass after quality pass at 100 mph. And the sniping.

Wow, the crowd, this thread pages #3 thru #27, the rugby world, you bastards really hate us!

Fine then!


The bad guys in black!

The villains of the piece!



Jim Lenehan (48)
Am I the only one feeling everytime theyre on ITV Fitzpatrick is 3 seconds from telling Inverdale that he's a fuckun pruck

Chris McCracken

Jim Clark (26)
Yeah.nah, looks like momentum caused his ankle/shin to connect, rather than his boot. Doubt he'll be cited.

I'll go a step further and say he looked to be running to position and might have even stopped when an unfortunate contact happened with a player diving at the same point. Completely accidental. And I'm no apologist.

The outcome may have been unfortunate, but you can't card that sort of contact.


Jim Lenehan (48)
He is a great player, off course. The point is that the Quade Cooper's thing showed a lack of respect of the argentine public (I'm embarrassed of that) but the noise made while Mc Caw was talking was made by people from other nationalities that attended too.

IMHO the comparison isnt a good one. One is a lugend who seems on and off the field to embody everything I love about rugby. The other one, love him or hate him, is just Quade and will always be just Quade.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Also like how TMO interjected at key points of the game in ref's ear to look at incidents etc as help clean up the game and make it a fairer contest

Like what they are doing there as that with vigor to penalise players not rolling away is doing great job to create more free flowing rugby and less of the illegal cynicism that otherwise creeps in the game.

And boy oh boy did Barnes need voice-in-his-ear guidance! That first 20 mins he seemed to lose the plot completely

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
And boy oh boy did Barnes need voice-in-his-ear guidance! That first 20 mins he seemed to lose the plot completely

Of the games I've seen so far Garces is the only one who had a good match.

Clancy was appalling and the others satisfactory at best. I hope this aspect of RWC improves - the players are doing their jobs, but sadly the officials are miles behind in terms of performance.
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