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RWC Pool C - Australia v Wales - 5AM 25 Sep AEST

The Ghost of Raelene

Steve Williams (59)
A week ago I said that we could lose to Portugal and Eddie would survive as he is being touted by Mclennan as part of the 'solution' and that this RWC would be touted as the pain we needed to go through

Now I am not so sure. We've been embarrassed on the global stage and I don't think EJ (Eddie Jones) (Eddie Jones) will ever retain the goodwill of the fans / community, given that he is going to be working against the same systemic issues for the next four years that have plagued the game for a generation.

Does he survive? I doubt they can afford to buy out his next 4 years
I don’t think we can afford not to.

RA need to take the hit and come back with their tail between their legs and get to work.


Ted Thorn (20)
I don't understand why they wouldn't keep Rennie AT LEAST for this World cup, it was clear that he was building and he wasn't even producing bad results, he took the Abs to the death, beat France, Beat South Africa in Adelaide etc. We need to play more eyes up footy and be more creative, so many lost opportunities all through out the game. Definitely enough talent to go well in the next few years and at our home world cup, but big things need to happen.


John Eales (66)
I don't understand why they wouldn't keep Rennie AT LEAST for this World cup, it was clear that he was building and he wasn't even producing bad results, he took the Abs to the death, beat France, Beat South Africa in Adelaide etc. We need to play more eyes up footy and be more creative, so many lost opportunities all through out the game. Definitely enough talent to go well in the next few years and at our home world cup, but big things need to happen.
That is the general sentiment. Just an absolute monumental fuck up of the highest order.