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School sporting scholarships/recruitment


Herbert Moran (7)
Agree. At the risk of being flippant I would suggest Dr Lambert join them (and possible the Kings boys).

Of course the Kings boys should join them. Why not put on a show of basketball mastery together. Just don't call it a game. Dr L can do the music.


Herbert Moran (7)
I'd like providence to be clearer about the other issues of which he speaks, but he makes a darn sight more sense that our old friend beserker:).[/quote]

Tardy response from me but i have been overseas the past few weeks.

Remember 'the baby eating bishop of bath and wells'? (RC and RA at their very best)

The absolute irony. A polemic that has no perfect evidence / substance and limited if any internal rebuttal but stirs up the masses to vent. The unintended consequence / Mea Culpa ; 'have you ever considered a career in the church'?

Players, 1b.


Bob Loudon (25)

Well there goes that theory[/quote]

I'll bite. I think what provo is highlighting is a) the farcical nature of the situation, and b) why the schools will not touch New (rule 1b)

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Ok - I am willing to expose myself to the vituperation of this thread. I think it relates to two issues: 1) racial vilification, and 2) blackmail. Ipso facto one or more heads have taken the low road.
It almost makes sense and I think there's something in it - in fact my failing memory tells me there was a post some moons ago linking criticism of New's enrollment policies to racism.
But since New also recruit those of European descent and do so in cricket, where size is not a sought after commodity, I don't think they are racist.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Is "Players 1 (b)" a new clause?

Is this the change requested by NC?

How does it affect the sporting scholarships/bursaries/recruiting issue?


Bob Loudon (25)
Is "Players 1 (b)" a new clause?

Is this the change requested by NC?

How does it affect the sporting scholarships/bursaries/recruiting issue?
Just remember that we are still reflecting on provo's cryptic message

1. If not new then certainly much expanded.
2. Not sure
3. A number of possibilities - a. playing race card if anyone questions a King of Tonga scholarship (unlikely); b. New may have evidence of breaches by certain schools and are doing what Blackadder did to the Bishop of Bath and Wells


Vay Wilson (31)
I'm not sure if he made himself any clearer though:).
I've always been a fan of the direct nature of this forum and this topic in particular. Now I feel las sharp as a nerf ball at a knife fight. Prov, what exactly are you saying? This is the thread for comments that can't be aired elsewhere - surely after 200+ pages we don't need another for ones that can't be aired here?.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Geez - in my first exposure to 1st XI sledging that 1(b) has been honoured more in the breach than the observance
b. No person shall act towards or speak to any other person in a manner, or engage in any other conduct which threatens, disparages, vilifies or insults another person (the person vilified) on any basis, including but not limited to a person’s race, religion, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, special ability/disability or sexual orientation, preference or identity.

and if its enforced the ARU is going to be recruiting a lot meek and mild Wallabies from itsfavoured only incubator

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^ but the future ARU CEO's and Board Members will obviously be familiar with the requirement for non-disparagement.

Very forward thinking from the good folk at AAGPS.

This familiarity with disparagement will put their graduates at an advantage over products from the other schooling systems when they apply for a gig at Rugby Central.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
^^^ but the future ARU CEO's and Board Members will obviously be familiar with the requirement for non-disparagement.

Very forward thinking from the good folk at AAGPS.

This familiarity with disparagement will put their graduates at an advantage over products from the other schooling systems when they apply for a gig at Rugby Central.

Perhaps but its going to cut down on the ability to say nasty things to the ABs as they extend the bledisloe drought - perhaps that might lead us to action rather than words

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
High beat Joeys 61-50 in 1sts b-ball last week, while Joeys won 2nds 48-36.

The AAGPS website shows High undefeated on top with 12pts, with Joeys, New & Scots equal 2nd on 10pts (they are each shown as having won 4 matches, so I'm not sure how the maths of it works).

Kings also declined to play TSC last week, so 2 of Scots 4 wins are by forfeit.

Ross Tarlington's letter seemed to suggest that an agreed conclusion to the matters had been reached, but the fact that SGS and TKS didn't play would suggest that any agreement was perhaps a bilateral one between SJC and TSC.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I spoke with a former colleague who now works at SGS about why they are not playing TSC and others are. He claims that SJC agreed to play TSC due to the fact that they have a very good team this year and their chance of winning the title would be dashed if they forfeited to TSC. Food for thought.

What a highly principled approach.
It doesnt look good if you think about the alternative: we dont think we can beat them so we're sticking with the ban.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Riverview not playing TSC in 1sts or 2nds basketball this week.

Riverview are currently undefeated in 2nds and this action could well cost them a premiership.

I think this qualifies as a principled approach.