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Reds 2015

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George Smith (75)
Staff member
Welcome :)

I have no idea about the rest. but I would find the bit about Horwill and Quade not seeing eye to eye as pretty doubtful. Whenever I have seen them out and about those two have always looked pretty tight.

Still if Packer and his mate from 9 can have a punch up in the streets of Bondi, anything is possible, I guess.
Hipster moguls are notoriously short-tempered if someone cuts them in the latte queue.


Tony Shaw (54)
Re the current gossip and allegations re 'disgruntled' Reds players.

One thing that I would allude to is that the QRU's clear here-and-now PR strategy of defending RG and stressing his tenure's safe on the grounds that it's understood many Reds players are 'under performing' (and that this has little to do with otherwise sound RG coaching) is potentially very dangerous in terms of player motivation and attitude. So, the stakes over the whole issue of RG's tenure, the state of the team, who's to blame for this awful season, are being significantly raised.

If indeed the players - especially the senior ones - do harbour serious doubts re RG's coaching ability this type of PR management and coach-protection work at the indirect expense of the players' reputations can cause counter-leaking and major disruption to the cause of team stability and motivation once/if the team considers they're being unfairly dumped upon by management.

The truth - either way - re all this noise will become clearer soon enough.

Aussie D

Bob Davidson (42)
It could also be that all the management speak is a cover and the board are already looking at options beyond this season. All it lacks is the CEO saying "we have full faith in Richard's ability" deathknell.


Ken Catchpole (46)
One thing that I would allude to is that the QRU's clear here-and-now PR strategy of defending RG and stressing his tenure's safe on the grounds that it's understood many Reds players are 'under performing'.
Just on this point of the head honchos giving Richard the all clear: I wouldn't necessarily take what they say as gospel. They are unlikely to front up to an interview and when asked why the hell they picked Richard Graham, slap their foreheads and say "I know, right!!! I don't know what the hell we had been smoking THAT day!!!"

Many's the time that boards and directors etc etc have expressed their full support for dudes, only to up and sack them in the coming weeks.

I would be extremely surprised if Richard is not having some pretty harsh meetings from the QRU about what's happening. They woudl probably be pretty on the pulse regarding how the players feel as well, I imagine.

As you say - we will see.

I personally hope he decides to abscond to New South Wales and coach down there once young Michael has punched the swear jar spilling all the readies.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Where are all the QLD locks at? Rebels' 3 are from NSW, Carter and Fardy are from NSW and so are Coleman and Wykes. Then there's McDuling in the the QLD set up. Seems like Simmons and Horwill at the QLD locks in Australia.


Ken Catchpole (46)
He's told me that his mail is that the tahs are trying to pinch Horwill as with Kane Douglas going overseas they are looking for a tough lock who is uncompromising and has leadership skills.

It's Sharpie all over again!

Quick someone name some kind of landmark at Suncorp after Horwill. "The Horhill" or "James' Corner"?

Stab him before he leaves you. Fatal attraction style.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Where are all the QLD locks at? Rebels' 3 are from NSW, Carter and Fardy are from NSW and so are Coleman and Wykes. Then there's McDuling in the the QLD set up. Seems like Simmons and Horwill at the QLD locks in Australia.

Fuck off. Coleman is a Tasmanian product. You can't claim him. :)


Bob McCowan (2)
Welcome Ruski, hope we see more of you, but don't take offense when I say that's complete bullshit.

Well, it may not be bullshit that the Tahs want Horwill.

But he won't leave.

Graham will leave before him.

No Offense taken Reg - just want to try and get to the bottom of it.


Bob McCowan (2)
Shed some light - don't you mean take the bait?

Mate if i wanted to bait and troll you I'd come up with a much better effort than that. That's what i've heard, i just want to see if there is any basis to it or not. I'd be shattered if big kev did leave for another aussie province and while people can point to the fact that Kev said he'd never play for another team - Jason Little said the same thing & Wendell said he'd never play in sky blue (he'd get a rash apparently).


Little was sitting on the bench behind a test player and Sailor could get cheaper cocaine in Sydney..

Horwill is the captain of the Reds and he is signed for 2015.. move along


Bob McCowan (2)
Little was sitting on the bench behind a test player and Sailor could get cheaper cocaine in Sydney..

Horwill is the captain of the Reds and he is signed for 2015.. move along

TOCC - Sharpe was the Captain of the reds when he signed for the Force.
Being a captain and moving states isn't without its precedent, especially if the player is unhappy.

Sailor moved because he didn't see eye to eye with Jeff Miller & he wanted to play in a winning team.

Contracts aren't worth the paper they are written on these days. Everyone has a price. Just ask Ben Mowen.

I'd be happy to be wrong about this though.


Tony Shaw (54)
It could also be that all the management speak is a cover and the board are already looking at options beyond this season. All it lacks is the CEO saying "we have full faith in Richard's ability" deathknell.

It could be - but the QRU is clearly briefing one of its friendliest journos writing for a national paper that, in essence, 'RG is here to stay'. Aside from today's piece, we recently had Wayne Smith saying that 'the QRU will let RG rebuild the team' and moreover 'the players will just have to learn to implement RG's game plans as he's going to be sticking around', etc.

This was all very pointed and clear. Odd if this was all being pro-actively rolled out to Smith if it was the opposite of the QRU's real convictions re RG. If they were seriously reconsidering RG's tenure, they'd not need to be putting out such very supportive statements which have the added major risk of alienating key Reds players if in fact they're not happy with RG, or sense they're being fingered unfairly for the team's problems.


Greg Davis (50)
that this is one of the issues that the reds are playing so badly as they are no longer playing for each other.

Say this was a factor for James to move teams, why the hell would he pick a team that is notorious for not playing for one another. If you had said the Brumbies, then yeah I could have believed you, but Tahland issue the Mecca your "sauce" has made it out to be. Perhaps they've hit the bottle too much over the weekend?


Bob McCowan (2)
Say this was a factor for James to move teams, why the hell would he pick a team that is notorious for not playing for one another. If you had said the Brumbies, then yeah I could have believed you, but Tahland issue the Mecca your "sauce" has made it out to be. Perhaps they've hit the bottle too much over the weekend?

I suspect that with change with Michael Chieka - he turned Leinster into champions. The tahs are also playing better than the reds currently are (and have looked like a better team all season thus far).

Sydney also has one other attraction that people fail to remember. Sydney is the home of the ARU. All the ARU coaching resources are basically in Sydney. Getting face to face feedback is much easier in sydney during the super season that Melbourne/Perth/Brisbane/Canberra.
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